Monday, July 27, 2009

Good news: Passport and Visa

Well, after a long and complicated saga I finally have my passport back and, against all odds, it has a visa to the Republic of South Africa inside. That was a huge relief, so now I am definitely going to make it onto my flight and be in the country as planned. Whewww...

Otherwise just hopping between New York City and New Haven trying not to spend any money; easier in New Haven than in NYC.

Leaving this Saturday (August 1st) for Cape Town...once there its 2 weeks of training and (I'm sure) great times with all the interns. Can't wait...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

GRS training weekend fun

Just returned from a great pre-orientation weekend with GRS up at Dartmouth. It really seems like an incredible group of kids going next year; the staff and former interns who were there to organize everything were awesome too. Lots of fun icebreakers and teambuilding activities: dancing competition (our group miraculously won), presentations on GRS policies and methodology, some HIV/AIDS education, and a big meet-and-great BBQ with bigwigs, donors and others interested in the GRS mission. A bit of soccer too...a good chunk of the interns are former varsity soccer players but that didn't stop one of the top recruits to Yale's 2nd Club Soccer team from doing a bit of damage.

Right now hanging out at Yale doing a bit of work for the ol' Yale Student Technology Collaborative. Emailed my boss asking if I was still an eligible employee and I guess they need some help because they've got me back fixing computers and helping with conferences. In and out of NYC between now and August 1st when I fly...will be visiting friends, gearing up with last minute purchases, and trying to acquire an International Driver's License. Little do the South African traffic authorities know what they're getting into....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

GRS training weekend

They've got us (the few dozen interns for next year) coming out to Dartmouth this weekend for a few days of light training, schmoozing and teambuilding. I'm really excited for it; that is, if I'm able to get back into the United States before my plan leaves tomorrow night! Currently in British Columbia, working through options for crossing the border legally without a passport. We spoke with some US border Homeland Security-types who said I'll be fine with my driver's license and birth certif, but I guess we'll see tomorrow when I make the attempt. Assuming all goes smoothly, I'll be at in New Hampshire with the other interns this weekend, then out on the east coast for 10 days before flying to Cape Town for our official two week training. Then it really begins...